Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Adding Program Inclusions and Exclusions to an Audience

Program Inclusions and Exclusions are set up in Variable Manager. They allow you to add filters and suppressions that can be used to set the universal audience for any campaign.

Before you begin

You have created your Program Inclusions and Exclusions in Variable Manager. For more information, see: Programs.


  1. From your open campaign, click the Overview tab.
  2. Select the Program you want to use from the Program drop-down list.
  3. Click the Audience tab. Your Program Inclusion is displayed in the Inclusion Segments panel. Your Program Exclusion is displayed in the Exclusion Segments panel.

If you edit a Program Inclusion (you do this in Variable Manager) and the Lock Inclusions After Start check box is selected, your Program Inclusion changes are ignored and the audience will remain the same.

A note on combining multiple Inclusion and Exclusion segments

If you are using Program Inclusions and Campaign Inclusions in the same campaign, the joining logic is as follows: the Program Inclusion is joined with the Campaign Inclusions with the AND operator. For example: Program_Inclusion AND (Campaign_Inclusion1 OR Campaign_Inclusion2). For more information see: Program Campaign Audience.

Program Audience Exclusions are joined with the campaign Audience Exclusions using the OR operator. For example, Program_Exclusion OR Campaign_Exclusion1 OR Campaign_Exclusion2.

The joining logic for calculating your total audience, combining Inclusions and Exclusions is: Total_Inclusions EXCLUDE Total_Exclusions.

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